• マダガスカル産バニラクリアエキス(「マダガスカル産バニラエッセンス」)






Madagascar Vanilla Clear Extract (“Madagascar Vanilla Essence”) – Japan Number 1 Seller

Vanilla Clear Extract, or vanilla essence,  is our liquid used in most of the high-end as well as premium mass market baked goods in the Japanese market. Creperies (Crepe Sellers) burn and blast the essence out in the air to lure customers to their shop with the delicious smell, and most of the candies, confectionaries, and bakeries use vanilla essence in their food. Vanilla essence is gentle and has no harsh or alcoholic aroma on the nose like extract, and is transparent color like water, to avoid coloration of the finished product or baked good, if the chef is seeking this. The Clear Extract Uses vanilla extractives ,glycerin, and PG medium. It is the most popular flavor medium and carrier for Japanese vanilla tastes. Darker color (caramel-tinted brown) options are also available.